Title | Teaching | Place | Publish | Abstract | Category |
灵山会上一梦因缘 The Buddha in My Dream | 2024.09.26 | LA ABF | 2024.12.06 | The reason to build Lingshan Meifo Temple | Lecture |
你发愿了吗 Have you made a vow | 2023.04.19 | LA ABF | 2024.05.18 | Vows are the driving force for cultivation | Lecture |
一屁打过江 Blown across the River by a Fart | 2023.04.19 | LA ABF | 2024.04.29 | thought my samadhi was good, but it's not | Lecture |
常不轻菩萨 Contempt-free Bodhisattva | 2023.03.22 | LA ABF | 2023.05.12 | Treat the teacher as a Buddha andlearn the Dharma with reverence | Story |
自杀之秘密 The Secret of Suicide | 2023.02.17 | LA ABF | 2023.03.31 | What is the cause of suicide | Lecture |
不给功德设限 Don't Set Limits on Merit | 2023.01.25 | LA ABF | 2023.02.24 | Do you know how to give | Lecture |
出家前六问 Six Questions before Renunciation | 2023.01.15 | LA ABF | 2023.01.21 | Do you really know renunciation | Q&A |
2023 Lotus Sutra Dharma Service - 迴向的意义The Meaning of Merit Transfer | 2022.12.18 | LA ABF | 2023.01.03 | Why is merit transfer necessary | Lecture |
临终三随 The Three Follows at the End of Life | 2022.12.06 | LA ABF | 2022.12.08 | Do you understand the principle of rebirth | Lecture |
光头有何象征意义 What does the Bald Head Symbolize | 2022.11.29 | LA ABF | 2022.12.03 | Why do monastics shave their heads | Q&A |
2023 Thanksgiving - 感恩有您 Thank You for Being Here | 2022.11.25 | LA ABF | 2022.11.11 | Thanksgiving, be grateful all the time | Lecture |
2023 Amida Buddha's Day - 如何分辨所见是佛是魔How to Distinguish between a Buddha and a Demon | 2022.11.14 | LA ABF | 2022.11.21 | Kill the image that comes | Q&A |
2023 Lotus Sutra Dharma Service - 一念发心的故事A Thought of Bodhicitta | 2022.11.09 | LA ABF | 2022.11.16 | develop Bodhicitta to save beings and vowto achieve Buddhahood | Story |
2023 Lotus Sutra Dharma Service - 念佛来之不易 Chanting is not easy | 2022.10.27 | LA ABF | 2022.11.11 | Chanters are amazing | Lecture |
2023 Lotus Sutra Dharma Service - 妙法莲华经The Sutra of the Lotus of the Wondrous Dharma | 2022.10.25 | LA ABF | 2022.11.04 | Enter the world of Lotus and appreciate thewondrous Dharma's splendor and subtlety | Term |
2023 Lotus Sutra Dharma Service - 法华斋天法会通告Lotus Sutra and Grand Offering Notice | 2022.10.21 | LA ABF | 2022.11.04 | Annual Lotus Dharma Service | Notice |
2022 Medicine Buddha's Day - 佛说三种病The Three Diseases the Buddha Said | 2022.10.21 | LA ABF | 2022.10.24 | Are your diseases treated with the rightmedicine | Lecture |
The centennial birthday of Venerable Liaokuan - 纪念恩師二三事In Memory of My Humane Mentor | 2022.10.11 | LA ABF | 2022.10.16 | Remembrance of His Venerable'scompassionate demeanor | Lecture |
2022 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Renunciation Day - 你理解出家吗Do You Understand Renunciation | 2022.10.05 | LA ABF | 2022.10.11 | There are four statuses of leaving home ornot, which one do you belong to | Lecture |
平常心是道 The Ordinary Mind is the Way | 2022.09.30 | LA ABF | 2022.10.06 | Cultivation is in life | Term |
神奇的往生被(下)Rebirth Quilts (2) | 2022.09.28 | LA ABF | 2022.10.02 | How to use a rebirth quilt correctly | Lecture |
神奇的往生被(上)Rebirth Quilts (1) | 2022.09.23 | LA ABF | 2022.09.28 | without covering a rebirth quilt, can onego to the Land of Ultimate Bliss | Lecture |
六通 The Six Super Powers | 2022.09.16 | LA ABF | 2022.09.23 | What are the 6 super powers in Buddhism | Term |
出家人没烦恼吗 Don't Monastics Have Afflictions | 2022.09.08 | LA ABF | 2022.09.17 | Afflictions are Bodhi, how to transformthem | Q&A |
学佛学偏后的十大症状Ten Symptoms When You Learn Buddhism Wrong | 2022.09.01 | LA ABF | 2022.09.08 | Think rationally, reflect yourself threetimes a day | Lecture |
佛弟子为何不食五辛Why Don't Buddhists Eat the Five Pungent Vegetables | 2022.08.30 | LA ABF | 2022.09.02 | Why can't vegetarian Buddhists eat theFive Pungent | Q&A |
布施波罗蜜 Almsgiving Paramita | 2022.08.19 | LA ABF | 2022.08.30 | Is this how you give | Lecture |
2022 Ksitigarbha's Day - 地藏占察法门 Ksitigarbha Divination Method | 2022.08.21 | LA ABF | 2022.08.24 | Do you want to know your causes andeffects and fortune of your three ages | Lecture |
布施的故事 A Story of Giving | 2022.08.14 | LA ABF | 2022.08.19 | Easy to give, hard to persist | Story |
生死事大 Birth and Death | 2022.08.10 | LA ABF | 2022.08.15 | What are you living for | Lecture |
回魂是咋回事(二)What is the Return of the Soul (2) | 2022.08.03 | LA ABF | 2022.08.06 | Do all souls return and have the bardostage | Q&A |
回魂是咋回事(一)What is the Return of the Soul (1) | 2022.08.03 | LA ABF | 2022.08.06 | When is the night of the soul's return?What should the family do? | Q&A |
失恋疗伤心法 Dharmic Therapy for Heart Broken People | 2022.07.02 | LA ABF | 2022.08.03 | Nothing is moving but your heart | Q&A |
2022 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 七月不吉祥吗Is July Inauspicious | 2022.07.19 | LA ABF | 2022.07.21 | Is July really bad for everything | Lecture |
下品下生就够吗 Is the Lower-lower Grade Enough | 2022.07.02 | LA ABF | 2022.07.12 | Why do you must recite upper-grade lotusas parents when dedicating | Lecture |
九品莲花 The Nine Grades of Lotus | 2022.06.30 | LA ABF | 2022.07.09 | Why are there nine different grades of lotusflowers in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss | Term |
2022 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Enlightenment Day -《大悲咒》开示The Great Compassion Mantra | 2022.06.19 | LA ABF | 2022.07.03 | An introduction of the practice of the GreatCompassionate Avalokitesvara Method | Lecture |
佛国净土与天堂一样吗 Are Pure Lands and Heavens the Same | 2022.06.24 | LA ABF | 2022.06.25 | Don't equate pure lands with heavens | Q&A |
2022 Lotus Samadhi Repentance Ceremony - 发愿回向文The Article of Vowing and Devoting Merit | 2022.06.19 | LA ABF | 2022.06.22 | Dedicated verses specially tailored forBuddhist chanters | Lecture |
神通大揭秘 Supernatural Powers Revealed | 2022.06.15 | LA ABF | 2022.06.16 | Why does Buddhism not promote supernatural powers | Q&A |
善知识难遇 Good Teachers are Rare | 2022.06.10 | LA ABF | 2022.06.14 | Relying on good teachers is a prerequisiteof learning Buddhism | Lecture |
2022 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 梁皇宝忏的故事The Story of Emperor Liang Repentance | 2022.05.21 | LA ABF | 2022.06.03 | The origin of Emperor Liang Repentance | Story |
2022 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 梁皇宝忏之功德The Merits of Emperor Liang Repentance | 2022.05.21 | LA ABF | 2022.06.03 | The true cure for diseases and the light thatbreaks the darkness | Lecture |
打坐能治病吗 Can Meditation Cure Diseases | 2022.05.18 | LA ABF | 2022.05.20 | Things beginners in meditation need to pay attention to | Q&A |
2022 Mother's Day - 堕胎果报重(四)Abortion Retribution (4) | 2022.05.11 | LA ABF | 2022.05.15 | Saving a life is greater than building a 7-story pagoda | Lecture |
2022 Mother's Day - 堕胎果报重(三)Abortion Retribution (3) | 2022.05.05 | LA ABF | 2022.05.08 | Forced & voluntary are different | Lecture |
2022 Mother's Day - 堕胎果报重(二)Abortion Retribution (2) | 2022.04.22 | LA ABF | 2022.05.04 | Close connection btw mother and children | Lecture |
2022 Mother's Day - 堕胎果报重(一)Abortion Retribution (1) | 2022.04.22 | LA ABF | 2022.04.30 | The abortion retribution in the present life | Lecture |
英文佛法讲座答疑 Dharma Lecture Q&A | 2022.04.03 | AS LA | 2022.04.22 | Q&A Session with Oak School audience | Q&A |
你与佛有缘吗 Do You Have a Connection with the Buddha | 2022.04.15 | LA ABF | 2022.04.17 | A story about conditions | Story |
如何得念佛三昧 How to Achieve Chanting Samadhi | 2022.04.13 | LA ABF | 2022.04.14 | All ways lead to the same destination | Q&A |
佛法是一面照妖镜 Buddhadharma is a Freak-spotting Mirror | 2022.04.05 | LA ABF | 2022.04.13 | Did you look in the mirror today | Lecture |
先人托梦是怎么回事 Why do Ancestors Appear in Your Dreams | 2022.03.23 | LA ABF | 2022.03.27 | meaning of dreaming of a deceased relative | Q&A |
2022 The Nirvana Day of Shakyamuni Buddha - 佛陀最后的遗教The Buddha's last teachings | 2022.03.17 | LA ABF | 2022.03.20 | The last teachings of the Buddha beforeentering Nirvana | Lecture |
清明祭祖注意事项 Rules for Ancestor Worship on Qingming | 2022.03.12 | LA ABF | 2022.03.17 | How to worship ancestors during Qingming | Lecture |
泥菩萨VS真菩萨 Clay Bodhisattvas VS True Bodhisattvas | 2022.02.08 | LA ABF | 2022.03.10 | Are you a Bodhisattva | Term |
助念(做七)念什么最管用 What's the Most Effective Chanting Service | 2022.02.21 | LA ABF | 2022.02.24 | what is the best chanting service | Q&A |
舍身饲虎 Sacrificing One's Body to Feed the Tiger | 2022.01.30 | LA ABF | 2022.02.04 | Did the Buddha encourage Buddhiststo sacrifice their bodies to feed tigers | Story |
佛教讲犯太岁吗 Is Offending Taisui a Buddhadharma | 2022.01.28 | LA ABF | 2022.01.30 | I offend Taisui this year, what should I do | Q&A |
都摄六根十念法 The 10-chant Method Controlling the Six Roots | 2022.01.14 | LA ABF | 2022.01.22 | One thought of inducting with Buddhasmakes you a Buddha of one thought | Lecture |
新年寄语 New Year's Day Dharma Talk | 2021.12.31 | LA ABF | 2021.12.31 | Practice requires dedication & vows | Lecture |
开示精华 - 学佛之高大上The Highness, Magnificence and Classiness of Learning Buddhism | 2021.12.17 | LA ABF | 2021.12.17 | Are you really learning Buddhism | Lecture |
亲身经历 - 念佛感应的真实事迹 A Story of Chanting Induction | 2021.12.07 | LA ABF | 2021.12.14 | Chant the Buddha's name to eradicate sins | Story |
八关斋戒 the Eight Precepts | 2021.12.01 | LA ABF | 2021.12.09 | Can we self-take the Eight Precepts at home | Term |
佛陀真的涅槃了吗 Did the Buddha Enter Nirvana | 2021.11.18 | LA ABF | 2021.11.29 | What is Nirvana? Did the Buddha demise | Q&A |
未成佛道,先结人缘 Build Good Affinities before Becoming a Buddha | 2021.11.08 | LA ABF | 2021.11.15 | In Loving Memory of Winnie's Rebirth | Lecture |
皈依三宝须知 What to Know before Taking Refuge | 2021.10.29 | LA ABF | 2021.10.30 | Is it necessary to be a vegetarian | Q&A |
2021 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony -明心见性 Knowing the Mind and Seeing the Nature | 2021.10.23 | LA ABF | 2021.10.23 | What is the state of knowing the mind andseeing the nature | Term |
2021 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Ceremony -如何求观音才灵验 How to Pray to Avalokitesvara to be efficacious | 2021.10.11 | LA ABF | 2021.10.16 | 4 techniques for Avalokitesvara's responses | Lecture |
佛菩萨会附身吗 Do Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Possess | 2021.10.05 | LA ABF | 2021.10.11 | How does possession happen | Q&A |
《金刚经》到底讲什么 What is "Diamond Sutra" about | 2021.09.28 | LA ABF | 2021.10.01 | All Dharma is the Buddha's Dharma | Dharma |
神通是怎么来的 How are Supernatural Powers Obtained | 2021.09.19 | LA ABF | 2021.09.22 | Three ways to obtain supernatural powers | Lecture |
2021 July month-long intensive practice - 念地藏经灵验的故事An efficacious story of reciting "Ksitigarbha Sutra" | 2021.09.05 | LA ABF | 2021.09.16 | Venerable Xingren's personal experience of having his mother saved | Story |
2021 July month-long intensive practice - 读诵地藏经有禁忌吗嗎Any taboos in reading "Ksitigarbha Sutra" | 2021.09.05 | LA ABF | 2021.09.12 | What to pay attention to when reciting"Ksitigarbha Sutra" | Q&A |
如何知道已故亲人往生极乐Has the Deceased been reborn in the Western Pureland | 2021.08.28 | LA ABF | 2021.09.01 | How to know whether the Deceased hasbeen reborn in the Western Pureland | Lecture |
佛弟子可以燒烧冥纸吗 Should Buddhists Burn Ancestor Money | 2021.08.19 | LA ABF | 2021.08.21 | Is burning paper money useful | Q&A |
2021 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 难行道和易行道Hard Way vs Easy Way | 2021.08.01 | LA ABF | 2021.08.05 | Buddhist practice methods are divided intotwo ways: the Easy Way and the Hard Way | Term |
2021 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 三时系念须知What Should You Know about Three-time Observations | 2021.07.29 | LA ABF | 2021.07.31 | What's three-time, how to devotedlyobserve | Lecture |
2021 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 怎样知道业障忏除How to Know if Your Bad Karmas are Repented | 2021.07.18 | LA ABF | 2021.07.20 | Has my karma been eradicated | Lecture |
2021 Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony - 善护口业Watch Your Words Properly | 2021.07.14 | LA ABF | 2021.07.15 | Words have consequences | Story |
为什么要天天念经念佛 Why do You Need to Practice Every Day | 2021.07.03 | LA ABF | 2021.07.04 | Take Dharmic medicine every day | Q&A |
诵经念佛礼忏流泪是否正常 Is it normal to shed tears during practicing | 2021.06.24 | LA ABF | 2021.06.27 | Have you ever shed tears when practicing | Q&A |
遇到病苦怎么求 How to Pray When Sick | 2021.06.17 | LA ABF | 2021.06.19 | How to turn adversities into cultivation | Lecture |
什么是忏悔 Repentances | 2021.06.08 | LA ABF | 2021.06.11 | What's a repentance, how do we repent | Term |
揭开舍利子的神秘面纱 The Mystery of Relics | 2021.05.25 | LA ABF | 2021.05.27 | How is the relic formed? How to make relics | Q&A |
梁皇宝忏是佛说的吗Is Emperor Liang Repentance Taught by the Buddha | 2021.05.21 | LA ABF | 2021.05.22 | The origin of Emperor Liang Repentance | Lecture |
不生气的三种方法 How to Cope with Your Anger | 2021.05.13 | LA ABF | 2021.05.15 | 3 methods to keep you from anger | Lecture |
你是如何孝养父母的 How do You Fulfil Your Filial Piety | 2021.05.01 | LA ABF | 2021.05.03 | The mother is the greatest Bodhisattva | Lecture |
为什么叫打七 Why is a 7-day Retreat Called "Defeating 7" | 2021.04.24 | LA ABF | 2021.04.25 | Why not to defeat the "6" or "8" | Q&A |
神通是什么 What is a Supernatural Power | 2021.03.26 | LA ABF | 2021.03.26 | Supernatural powers are not mysterious | Term |
如何修观音法门 How to Practice the Avalokitesvara Method | 2021.03.19 | LA ABF | 2021.03.20 | Avalokitesvara can relieve sufferings | Lecture |
修行有诀窍吗 Is there a Shortcut for Practice | 2021.03.14 | LA ABF | 2021.03.14 | Perseverance is the only key | Q&A |
扫除往生的最後障礙 Clear the last obstacle to rebirth | 2021.03.06 | LA ABF | 2021.03.09 | Remove the last straw in your camel | Lecture |
梦的困扰 Distressed by Dreams | 2021.02.16 | LA ABF | 2021.02.19 | Why do you have nightmares | Q&A |
2021 Chinese New Year Blessing Dharma Service - 贫女供灯The Poor Girl Offering a Light | 2021.02.06 | LA ABF | 2021.02.11 | Light up your mind when lighting up a lamp | Story |
弥勒菩萨的前世来生 Maitreya Bodhisattva's Past and Future | 2021.02.04 | LA ABF | 2021.02.06 | Let me introduce this Bodhisattva to you | Story |
平时不烧香 When you don't normally practice | 2021.01.28 | LA ABF | 2021.01.30 | will off-the-cuff prayer work | Lecture |
一门深入 Go Deep into One Sutra | 2021.01.22 | LA ABF | 2021.01.23 | Lay people need to go deep into only one | Lecture |
念佛念到地狱道 Chant the Buddha's name but End up in Hell | 2021.01.14 | LA ABF | 2021.01.16 | 100 results of chanting the Buddha's name | Lecture |
2021 Lotus Dharma Assembly Lecture (3) - 法华经讲什么What does Lotus Sutra talk about | 2021.01.01 | LA ABF | 2021.01.04 | Setup tentative steppingstones anddisclose the truth, and lead three into one | Lecture |
2021 Lotus Dharma Assembly Lecture (2) - 态度决定高度Attitude Determines Altitude | 2020.12.26 | LA ABF | 2020.12.27 | Fresh start and new state for new year | Lecture |
没发菩提心能往生吗 Does Rebirth in Pureland Requires Bodhicitta | 2020.12.18 | LA ABF | 2020.12.22 | Is Bodhicitta required for rebirth | Q&A |
广学多闻 Learn More and Have Exposure to More | 2020.12.12 | LA ABF | 2020.12.22 | Why do monastics learn widely and more | Q&A |
2021 Lotus Dharma Assembly Lecture (1) - 如何修慈悲三昧 How to Develop a Compassionate Mind | 2020.12.18 | LA ABF | 2020.12.20 | Easy compassion is hard to continue | Lecture |
学佛和佛学 Studying Buddhism or Buddhism Study | 2020.12.12 | LA ABF | 2020.12.13 | Studying Buddhism or Buddhism study | Lecture |
弥陀会现何相来接引What is Amitabha's Appearance When Taking Beings | 2020.12.05 | LA ABF | 2020.12.06 | What appearance will Amitabha be in totake sentient beings | Q&A |
一个念佛人的遗嘱 A Buddhist's Will | 2020.11.27 | LA ABF | 2020.11.29 | What do you have in your will | Lecture |
临终关怀需知 Precautions for Hospice Care | 2020.11.21 | LA ABF | 2020.11.21 | The reason why not to touch the body | Q&A |
印祖故事 - 劝人念佛有多难The Difficulty of Persuading People to Chant the Buddha's Name | 2020.11.15 | LA ABF | 2020.11.17 | The Buddha can not enlighten peoplewho are not ready | Story |
多灾多难庚子年 The Distressed Year of 2020 | 2020.11.09 | LA ABF | 2020.11.10 | Pray that next year will be better | Lecture |
三净肉是什么 What is Triple Pure Meat | 2020.10.30 | LA ABF | 2020.11.01 | Are Buddhists necessarily vegetarians | Q&A |
2020 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Lecture -莫道僧家容易做 Being a monastic is not easy | 2020.10.24 | LA ABF | 2020.10.26 | Do you know what renunciation reallymeans | Lecture |
2020 Medicine Buddha Day Lecture (2) - 药师法门如何修How to practice Medicine Buddha method | 2020.10.11 | LA ABF | 2020.10.18 | Why and how to practice | Lecture |
2020 Medicine Buddha Day Lecture (1) - 药师法门之现世利益Present benefits of the Medicine Buddha method | 2020.10.11 | LA ABF | 2020.10.16 | Benefits of the Medicine Buddha method | Lecture |
八万四千法门 Eighty-four thousand methods | 2020.10.09 | LA ABF | 2020.10.10 | All convenient methods to one destination | Term |
你是在真修吗 Are you really cultivating | 2020.10.03 | LA ABF | 2020.10.08 | Are you sure that you are really cultivating | Lecture |
2020 Mid-August Festival Lecture - 心佛众生,三无差别Minds, Buddhas and beings have no differences | 2020.09.20 | LA ABF | 2020.09.28 | The Bodhisattva is like the clear and coolmoon soaring in the absolute emptiness | Lecture |
怎么求佛菩萨才灵验 How to pray efficaciously | 2020.09.20 | LA ABF | 2020.09.26 | Why praying to Buddhas does not work | Q&A |
没有感应是怎么回事 Why don't I have induction | 2020.09.20 | LA ABF | 2020.09.25 | What problems cause having no induction | Q&A |
为什么一定要回向 The significance of merit transfer | 2020.09.17 | LA ABF | 2020.09.20 | What is the purpose of merit transfer | Lecture |
僧俊法师还阳的故事 The resurrection of Venerable Seng Jun | 2020.09.06 | LA ABF | 2020.10.03 | Everything is from the heart | Story |
觉林菩萨偈 The Verses of Juelin Bodhisattva | 2020.09.05 | LA ABF | 2020.09.06 | The Verses of Juelin Bodhisattva says... | Lecture |
供佛斋僧殊胜行 Great merit from offering Buddhas and monastics | 2020.08.30 | LA ABF | 2020.09.01 | Appropriately offering creates great merit | Lecture |
初学佛者从哪开始 Where to start in learning Buddhism | 2020.08.28 | LA ABF | 2020.08.31 | Which method is easy to start with | Lecture |
目连救母 The story of Maudgalyayana rescuing his mother | 2020.08.26 | LA ABF | 2020.08.28 | How did Maudgalyayana rescue his mother | Story |
佛陀托空钵 The Buddha with an empty bowl | 2020.08.24 | LA ABF | 2020.08.25 | Form good affinities with beings | Story |
地藏法门如何修 How to practice the Ksitigarbha method | 2020.08.19 | LA ABF | 2020.08.22 | The quickest way to rescue yourself | Lecture |
三轮体空真布施 Real giving with 3 empty-natured essentials | 2020.08.16 | LA ABF | 2020.08.17 | What should a real alms-giving be | Lecture |
念佛念四字还是六字 Chant the Buddha's name in 4 or 6 syllables | 2020.08.13 | LA ABF | 2020.08.15 | Whatever fits you is the best | Q&A |
恒顺众生 Always in pace with beings | 2020.08.07 | LA ABF | 2020.08.12 | No sentient beings, no Buddhas | Lecture |
收起你的臭脾气 Put away your bad temper | 2020.08.05 | LA ABF | 2020.08.06 | no one in this world owes you | Lecture |
孝道月精进修的发起 Month-long intensive self-practice | 2020.08.02 | LA ABF | 2020.08.02 | month-long diligent practice in July | Lecture |
别把什么都当成业障 Don't take everything as bad karma | 2020.07.31 | LA ABF | 2020.07.31 | Do you know the biggest karmas | Lecture |
须菩提vs大迦叶,托钵的两极分化True Meaning of the alms-begging | 2020.07.27 | LA ABF | 2020.07.30 | What is the real alms-begging | Story |
人生如戏亦如梦 Life is play-like and dream-like | 2020.07.24 | LA ABF | 2020.07.25 | Don't go too deep into the play | Lecture |
深入经藏,智慧如海 Go deep into Sutra treasure for wisdom like sea | 2020.07.18 | LA ABF | 2020.07.23 | Ten Dharma Practices to practice and study | Lecture |
礼佛时你有观想吗 Visualization during worshiping Buddhas | 2020.07.16 | LA ABF | 2020.07.19 | No visualization in worship, no induction | Lecture |
如何观死无常 Contemplation of death and impermanence | 2020.07.12 | LA ABF | 2020.07.14 | how to observe and face death | Lecture |
慈悲不是有求必应 Wisdom and compassion go hand in hand | 2020.07.08 | LA ABF | 2020.07.12 | Buddhism focuses more on wisdom | Lecture |
心经讲什么 What does Heart Sutra review | 2020.06.22 | LA ABF | 2020.06.23 | Heart Sutra is the core of Buddhism | Lecture |
感叹人生不如意 Nothing is satisfactory | 2020.06.20 | LA ABF | 2020.06.21 | My love is not who loves me | Lecture |
玩物不丧志 Play but don't lose track | 2020.06.19 | LA ABF | 2020.06.20 | Don't own pets when you can't practice | Q&A |
学佛(菩萨戒)弟子为何不能养宠物 Why shouldn't Buddhists own pets | 2020.06.15 | LA ABF | 2020.06.18 | What happen when I have pets | Lecture |
別把自己太当回事 Don't take yourself too seriously | 2020.06.10 | LA ABF | 2020.06.11 | We're minor parts in others' worlds | Lecture |
正法像法末法 Three ages of the Dharma | 2020.06.07 | LA ABF | 2020.06.08 | How to distinguish the 3 ages | Lecture |
我们剩下的时间不多了 Save your last breath for Amitabha | 2020.06.01 | LA ABF | 2020.06.06 | Practice to ensure rebirth into Pureland | Lecture |
佛系人生,万事随缘 Buddhist way of life | 2020.06.01 | LA ABF | 2020.06.05 | Going with conditions is not running away | Lecture |
菩萨畏因,众生畏果 Bodhisattvas fear cause, humans fear effect | 2020.05.25 | LA ABF | 2020.05.26 | Cause and condition are not fatalism | Lecture |
学佛弟子可以算命吗 Can Buddhists go fortune telling | 2020.05.23 | LA ABF | 2020.05.24 | Life is in your own hands | Lecture |
你会老实修行吗 The taste of Samadhi | 2020.05.16 | LA ABF | 2020.05.18 | Stay with one School to achieve | Lecture |
我会走火入魔吗 Am I possessed by evil spirit | 2020.05.08 | LA ABF | 2020.05.12 | Our practice is not enough | Lecture |
我们在行动 Together we can do it | 2020.03.19 | LA ABF | 2020.03.21 | Unconcerned is not a Bodhisattva | Lecture |
心如工画师 Mind is controller | 2020.03.13 | LA ABF | 2020.03.13 | Buddha is inside your heart | Lecture |
不怕念起只怕觉迟 No fear of afflictions when Observation arises | 2020.02.25 | LA ABF | 2020.02.26 | How to deal with delusions | Lecture |
2020 Valentines Day Lecture - 有情人终成正觉 Happy Valentine's Day | 2020.02.14 | LA ABF | 2020.02.20 | The greatest romance | Lecture |
2020 Lotus Dharma Assembly (9) - 宁坐蒲团冻饿死,不作人间攀缘僧I would rather Meditate to Die, not to live on Self Indulgence | 2020.01.01 | LA ABF | 2020.01.07 | Offer but don't request | Lecture |
2020 Lotus Dharma Assembly Lecture (8) - 我的三小愿 My three little wishes | 2020.01.01 | LA ABF | 2020.07.17 | Vows are stronger than diamonds | Lecture |
What is meditation for | 2019.12.17 | LA ABF | 2019.12.18 | How and what to expect from meditation | Q&A |
亲人刚往生,做什么功德最管用 What to do for a departed beloved one | 2019.11.08 | LA ABF | 2020.07.10 | Doing good deed requires your heart | Lecture |